On 07/10/2015 02:34 PM, Steven Jones wrote:
> Is there any way to stop the metronome from transmitting program changes,
> or alternately selecting which program it transmits?

   It appears that if you set the bank and program on the track that 
happens to be configured for channel 10 on the metronome device, that 
setting will be sent each time.  So, yes, there is a way, but I'm not 
sure it will suffice.  If you aren't using the procussion for anything 
else, this might work fine for you.

   So, create a track, connect it up to the procussion channel 10 (fixed 
channel mode), and set the bank/program as needed.  No need to create a 
segment on the track.  Then try recording with the metronome.

> Here is the issue I have.  I successfully have the metronome transmitting
> to the MIDI device/channel I use for such things (an Emu Procussion
> module). However the metronome transmits a program change 0, which for the
> Procussion is a factory ROM position. Worse if I manually change to the
> program I want the metronome retransmits the program 0 every time it loops.

   I was able to confirm this behavior with kmidimon.  A "loop" here 
means a playback loop set by shift-dragging in the ruler.  At the start 
of the playback loop, the metronome bs/pc is resent.


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