On 01/01/2016 03:06 PM, Holger Marzen wrote:

> On my Xubuntu 12.10 LTS I have to tweak CMakeLists.txt:
> - change cmake_minimum_required to (VERSION 2.8.7)
>    Is that high required version really neccessary?

Setting the cmake minimum version was a trade-off between supporting old 
distros and features that were painful to avoid.  I don't remember the 
details, but there was an elaborate discussion over a couple of weeks 
where I pushed to get this set lower and lower, and David reworked 
things at my request.  He was a very good sport about this, but I could 
only push the founder of KDE so far in support of obsolete technology.

The bright side is that obtaining new versions of CMake for old distros 
is rather easy.  Go to https://cmake.org/download/ and if you grab an 
appropriate pre-compiled binary for your architecture, it should work 
fine.  If not, it's much easier to compile than Rosegarden.  I used to 
have to do this myself, years ago.  In the end, I remembered that 
precedent from the past, and felt better about requiring such a recent 
CMake version.

I should have mentioned something about this in the release note, but I 
simply forgot this was going to be an issue.
D. Michael McIntyre

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