The Swansea uni mirror still holds an fc32 repository

and the version in there is 5.13.

I still have the LiveOS iso for fc32 which I installed from.

I have managed to mount this and can see the root filesystem

but I don't know how to get the version from here since

I don't have access to its rpm, dnfdb or whatever.

If you know how I can do this, I'm happy to try.

I suppose it's possible that qt5 might have been upgraded

through the life of the install anyway, so this may not be

too useful. In any case, I'm pretty sure it was 5.15 when I



On 21/06/2021 11:01 pm, Ted Felix wrote:
On 6/20/21 5:20 AM, chuck elliot wrote:
/home/chuck/rosegarden-git/src/gui/dialogs/KeySignatureDialog.cpp:149:34: error: ‘ReturnByValue’ is not a member of ‘Qt’
   149 |     pm = m_keyPixmap->pixmap(Qt::ReturnByValue);

  Hmmm.  I know you got this fixed, but is there any way you can check what version of the Qt dev tools you had installed when you had this error?  We have a check for qt version (5.14) in there, but I suspect it might be slightly off (should be 5.15), and this error is the proof.


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