To solve the audio file location issue (i.e. why is everything always just dumped in ~/rosegarden), I was thinking we could have a dialog pop up when saving with audio files for the first time. It would ask where you would like the audio files saved and provide the following options:

- To an "audio" directory where the document is saved.  (./audio)
  (Recommended.)  (default)

- To a directory named after the document in the directory where the
  document is saved.  (./document name)

- To the same directory where the document is saved.  (.)

- To a central audio file repository. (~/rosegarden-audio)

It might also have a "go with this from now on" option to avoid showing the dialog ever again.

I think this (along with switching to "~/.local/share/rosegarden/audio" for audio files before saving) would satisfy all the issues described in the bugs and feature requests related to audio paths:

Any objections before I dig into this? The pop-up at save time is the most annoying thing, but you really only need to configure it for your preferred way of working once and that will be the default from then on.


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