On 6/8/22 18:28, krsg...@trixtar.org wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jun 2022 18:09:40 -0700
prad <prada...@vivaldi.net> wrote:

krsg...@trixtar.org writes:

Once I solve this I want to try the standalone Yoshimi

don't know if this is of any help to you, krsgrdn, but i have just had
some success with rg and yoshimi after considerable fiddling (due to my
own ignorance about all this). i posted how i did it on linuxmusicians:
Thanks, I looked at it and I sometimes lurk on that forum too but my problems 
are before that stage so to speak. Found the Yoshimi.rgd but I have no 
~/.local/share/rosegarden/library folder to put it into. I'm working with Suse 
Tumbleweed right now using Yoshimi-2.2.0 and rosegarden-22.06 which are both 
bleeding-edge. So, following my usual procedure

1 start qjackctl
2 start qsynth
3 start yoshimi standalone

I can fiddle with yoshimi and even load a patch and play its virtual keyboard. 
I could do exactly the same with Zybaddsubfx standalone but will now just keep 
things simple, so

4 start rosegarden

In the qjackctl 'connect' window Yoshimi is connected to system, I also connect 
it to rosegarden (probably not needed).

As a result there is no trace of yoshimi anything in rosegarden. The rosegarden 
"Manage MIDI Devices" window shows only a single General MIDI entry in the left 
Playback window and in MIDI-Outputs only two input ports as being available: 129:0 
Synth-Input and 14:0 Midi-Through. There SHOULD be another port there for each standalone 
synth started, such as yoshimi OR zynadsubfx, as soon as I start Yoshimi but there isn't. 
THIS is my problem at this point (as far as I can tell).

If I recall correctly, I had to start Yoshimi with the -A and -j options:

-A, --alsa-audio[=<device>] Use ALSA audio output.

-j, --jack-midi[=<device>] Use JACK MIDI input.

But I was just now fiddling with things with RG 22.12 (freshly compiled) and Yoshimi 2.2 (freshly compiled) and I'm not seeing Yoshimi in RG although I can get sound from Yoshimi playing it's virtual keyboard or using my external keyboard.

I seem to have lost my audio device somewhere in this process. I should never have tested pipewire - it messed things up and even uninstalling it and removing config hasn't fixed it.

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community
"My password is the last 8 digits of π."

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