Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Prad,
hello lorenzo!

many thx for this reply!

> Personally, I must admit that I hardly ever use that file. I prefer to 
> change instruments etc. in Yoshimi and have nothing set-up in that 
> regards in Rosegarden. That is because 95% of times I will be tweaking 
> even the default instruments, in terms of parameters effects etc. and I 
> *don't* want Rosegarden to inadvertently 'restore' the defalut.
i see! i'm a complete noob to yoshimi and synth, so i haven't even
thought about these things.

my original plan (after talking to folderol on linuxmusicians) was to
set up my instruments and midi channels in yoshimi, then just utilize
this on rg.

however, i got curious about what you can do in rg and stumbled onto the
yoshimi.rgd file.

then i thought i'd try to get it synced with whatever
yoshimi was offering using the ideas involving txt2rgd.py, but chose not
to once i saw what the file actually looked like and figured i could
script it in zsh.

> But I understand if Rosegarden is providing a Yoshimi bank file it 
> should probably be up to date :-)
admittedly for me, it's a bit of an overkill since all my stuff (right now) is
just some voices and piano accompaniment: that means 2 instruments! :D

as i learn yoshimi, i think the syncing may prove to be useful ... may
be for orchestration.

> Have you made sure Yoshimi is actually set-up to react to Bank and 
> Program Changes? There i a configuration setting for this [2]
this is excellent! i didn't know i could do this.

i changed
bank root change to LSB
bank change to MSB (this seemed to be the key)
enable program change was always ON

now i can change banks from within rg!!

as indicated, i doubt if i'll use this, but i don't
like it when i can't get features to work (even if they aren't of any
use to me). :D

so much appreciated!

In friendship,

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