For anyone who like me spent 30 minutes failing to get this to work before discovering the secret, you have to click on the "resize" bar to the left of the desired panel and then drag. Mouse cursor changes when hovering over the correct spot. FWIW, I'm on a 1920x1080 monitor and normally run the main window around half to 75% full screen width, so I don't have enough room to place all the panels on one line. But it's a good trick to know anyway.

Piggybacking off this (as usual) with another related question: What's the point of having two copies of the marker and loop/measures rulers, one above and one below the tracks? (And similar in the notation and matrix editors.) Screen real estate is *always* limited -- doesn't matter if you have 8K or dual/triple 4K monitors or whatever.

I keep thinking about removing the 2nd/bottom set from my fork of the code but have been warned that trying to do anything as radical as that in the main branch in would result in me being lynched. (Yet it was OK in beta 23.06 to change the track area to "dark" in dark theme? An improvement IMO, but what about the hypothetical user who liked it the way it was?) Even the very few minor-but-incompatible UI changes in the fork were met with disapproval, but since that's the path I'm on maybe I should just continue down it. If anyone has a compelling rationale for the duplicated rulers (beyond "that's the way it's always been") I'm very interested in hearing about it so I can reconsider.

On 1/26/23 9:33 AM, Will Godfrey wrote:
Well that was curious. I'd tried that many times over with no success, but just
tried again and it worked perfectly! Thanks :)

On Thu, 26 Jan 2023 16:36:43 +0000
chuck elliot <> wrote:

I think it is possible to do this for yourself by dragging and dropping
toolbars from one panel to the other.

A whole panel can be hidden by deselecting the toolbars that it contains...



On 26/01/2023 1:58 pm, Will Godfrey wrote:

Rosegarden has two panels of icons at the top, neither of which is very long
compared to my normal matrix width. Is it possible to to combine these as one
longer panel - thus giving at least another track's worth of vertical space?

With the 'endemic' availability of mostly wide screens this would make better
use of available space.

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