Yes, certainly, the provider CAN say that they want the 835 to be
delivered to their bank, or a different clearinghouse.   But what would
the payer do if the clearinghouse or bank came back and said:

   "Whoa, hold on big fella! Before just anyone sends 835s into 
   us, we gotta make sure you're not riff-raff.  This
   could be a trick to infest us with cooties. You gotta show
   us you're 'certified' with Billy Joe's 835 certification
   service. And then you gotta sign these forms in triplicate,
   with signatures affixed by each of your principals and board
   members.  And don't forget to send your incorporation papers.
   And maybe we'll let you know in 6 to 8 weeks whether we'll
   let you into our system.  And we'll give you a logon ID and
   password which you can use to get into us between the hours
   of 5 and 6 a.m."

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

In any event, the payer would probably prefer to send the 835 combined
payment and ERA through his own bank - and let his bank worry about
getting it to the provider's bank.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 31 May, 2002 09:29 AM
Subject: Re: 837/835 routing through clearinghouses

I hate to say this, but the 835 will be a totally different beast.

The provider CAN say that they want the 835 to be delivered to their
bank, or a different clearinghouse.

The 835 route can be different than the claim route - in fact, there
does not have to BE a claim route - paper claims go on the 835 as well
as electronic claims.

Also, the 835 represents a check or EFT. Any single 835 may have claims
that came to the payer from the provider by two different routes or
entry points.


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