
I believe that each of your descriptions below represents a specific use
case. Furthermore, each description represents a binary collaboration and
possibly multiparty collaborations. The ebXML BPSS V 1.05 currently out for
draft review addresses these concepts. Here's an excerpt from the Executive
Summary of that specification:

"The ebXML Business Process Specification Schema provides a standard
framework by
which business systems may be configured to support execution of business
collaborations consisting of business transactions. It is based upon prior
UN/CEFACT work, specifically the metamodel behind the UN/CEFACT Modeling
Methodology (UMM) defined in the N090R10 specification.

The Specification Schema supports the specification of Business Transactions
and the choreography of Business Transactions into Business Collaborations.
Each Business Transaction can be implemented using one of many available
standard patterns. These patterns determine the actual exchange of Business
Documents and business signals between the partners to achieve the required
electronic commerce transaction.

The current version of the specification schema addresses collaborations
between two parties (Binary Collaborations) as well as collaboration
involving more than two business partners (Multiparty Collaborations) as a
synthesis of binary collaborations.

It is anticipated that a subsequent version will address additional features
such as the semantics of economic exchanges and contracts, more complex
multi-party choreography, and context based content."

And more from the Design Objectives section:

"6.1 Goals/Objectives/Requirements/Problem Description
. . .
The ebXML Business Process Specification Schema provides for the nominal set
of specification elements necessary to specify a collaboration between
business partners, and to provide configuration parameters for the partners’
systems in order to execute that collaboration between a set of e-business
software components."

"7 System Overview
The ebXML Business Process Specification Schema provides a standard
framework for business process specification. As such, it works with the
ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP) and Collaboration Protocol
Agreement (CPA) specifications to bridge the gap between Business Process
Modeling and the configuration of ebXML compliant e-commerce software, e.g.
an ebXML Business Service Interface, as depicted in Figure 2."

Design Phase = : Business Process and Information Model

Specification Phase =: ebXML Business Process Specification; ebXML CPP/CPA

Run-time Phase =: ebXML Business Service Interface Configuration

"The following section describes the concepts of a Business Collaboration, a
Business Transaction, a Business document flow, and Choreography

Multiparty Collaborations are between more than two roles, but such
Multiparty Collaborations are always synthesized from two or more Binary
Collaborations. For instance if Roles A, B, and C collaborate and all
parties interact with each other, there will be a separate Binary
Collaboration between A and B, one between B and C, and one between A and C.
The Multiparty Collaboration will be the synthesis of these three Binary

Binary Collaborations are expressed as a set of Business Activities between
the two roles. Each Business Activity reflects a state in the collaboration.
The Business Activity can be a Business Transaction Activity, i.e. the
activity of conducting a single Business Transaction, or a Collaboration
Activity, i.e. the activity of conducting another Binary Collaboration. An
example of the former is the activity of placing a purchase order. An
example of the latter is the activity of negotiating a contract. In either
case the activities can be choreographed relative to other activities as per

The ability of a Binary Collaboration to have activities that in effect are
executing other Binary Collaborations is the key to recursive compositions
of Binary Collaboration, and to the re-use of Binary Collaborations. An
activity, whether it is a Business Transaction Activity or a Collaboration
Activity represents the usage of a definition within a Binary Collaboration
Specification. For instance, a Business Transaction is defined once and for
all, but could appear several times – as a Business Transaction Activity -,
sometimes even with opposite roles, within the same binary collaboration

"7.4 How to design collaborations and transactions, re-using at design time

This section describes the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema
modeling relationships by building a complete Multiparty Collaboration from
the bottom up, as follows:

1. Specify a Business Transaction
2. Specify the Business Document flow for a Business Transaction
3. Specify a Binary Collaboration re-using the Business Transaction
4. Specify a Choreography for the Binary Collaboration
5. Specify a higher level Binary Collaboration re-using the lower level
Binary Collaboration
6. Specify a Multiparty Collaboration re-using Binary Collaborations"

As such, the use case analysis should be completed from which the
appropriate CPP requirements can be determined. A CPP - at least in concept
in my mind - contains the complete picture of a given entity's capabilities.
This is the starting point for two entities to then reach agreement (CPA) on
how they will conduct business electronically. Trying to develop a CPP
without first going through the use case analysis and rigorously documenting
the results will only result in an incomplete/inaccurate/unusable CPP.

Rachel Foerster

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Minch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 6:31 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; William J. Kammerer
Subject: RE: 276 routing question, esp. interested in Clearinghouse
guru's opinion

Kepa's response raises an interesting question, and one which I have been
contemplating for some time - would a Plan, Provider, or CH (or other third
party) want to post multiple CPPs based on the usage?  In other words,
there's 3 collaboration agreements and potentially 6 CPPs implied in Kepa's
A) Plan<--->CH Agreement
   1) CPP defined by a Plan which is to be used by its contracted
   2) CPP defined by the CH for use with contracted Plans;
B) CH<--->Provider Agreement
   3) CPP defined by the clearing house for Provider's use;
   4) Provider's CPP to be used with contracted clearing houses;
C) Provider<--->Plan
   5) CPP defined by a Plan which is to be used by Providers;
   6) Provider's CPP to be used with Plans.

As a Provider, I wouldn't want to have to maintain multiple CPPs, given that
each CPP should be a complete description of how electronic business is
transacted.  As a Payer, I also wouldn't want to maintain multiple CPPs -
same reason.  Therefor, both Kepa and William are correct in that the CPP
must contain the ability to differentiate 276 routing based on
healthcare_type, and more to the point, any kind of routing (real-time vs
batch, for example, within a particular transaction type) for any of the

However, if I don't want to maintain multiple CPPs, how can I create one CPP
which provides one set of information for the transactions I want routed
directly, and another set for those routed through a CH?

It appears to me that the CPP must also accommodate the concept of
collaboration nesting. That is, at certain defined levels in the CPP, I
should have the flexibility to point to another CPP (e.g. that of my
contracted CH or other third party).  Only by doing this can I describe in a
single document the protocols needed for all transaction routing variants.

Dave Minch
T&CS Project Manager
John Muir / Mt. Diablo Health System
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 941-2240

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