OK before I send this patch I'd like to run some things by you folks.

My new version of XmlRpcClient passes the ClientServerRpcTest fine. 
 However, it fails with an ugly:
when I access the usefulinc PHP XML-RPC server demos.

I think the problem is that URLConnection allows the response body to be 
longer than the response Content-Length, while HttpClient does not.  I 
decided to do some more testing.  Results are at the end of the message. 
 It looks like the PHP XML-RPC server is to blame.  Should this be 
reported as a bug to HttpClient or the PHP XML-RPC server?  I think 
HttpClient is behaving correctly.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

Dave Winer's time app at http://time.xmlrpc.com/RPC2 method: 
currentTime.getCurrentTime worked.  Its Server header is Server: 
UserLand Frontier/7.0.1-WinNT.

StuffedDog's Speller app at 
http://www.stuffeddog.com/speller/doc/rpc.html method: 
speller.spellCheck worked (I think, even though it isn't very good at 
catching misspellings).  Ken MacLeod's Perl XML-RPC

Syndic8's app at http://www.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.php method 
syndic8.GetFeedCount FAILED, I think its the same server software as 

The Covers Project at http://covers.wiw.org:80/RPC.php method 
system.listMethods FAILED, and its running PHP too.

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