On Dec 2, 2004, at 12:00 PM, keroppi kero offered this insight:

I've tryied all things I know and I can't use aspell from java (in windows).

I tryied to call with pipe and with -a option too, but it don't work.

have anybody use aspell from java any time?

Have you looked at java.lang.Runtime? It has an exec() method that'll run other processes (like aspell) for you; no need to mess around with pipes (note that I haven't used aspell before, let alone from java, so there may be tricks I'm unaware of).

It's typically recommended to use the version of exec() that takes a String[] (String array) instead of the one that takes a String and parses it out for you. The parser doesn't always work the way you want; the array version takes the first String as the command and all others as arguments.

HTH ...


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Dave Stewart
Aqua~Flo Supply (Goleta CA)
dstewart at aquaflo dot com

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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