Actually, he is not passing an empty vector. He's passing a vector with one element in it, a reference to a zero length string. I think this would look for a method with a single String argument in the method.

What does the class look like which contains the pingme method? Does it implement anything? On the server when you registered it, what did you register it as? Typically the RPC method
name would have the form 'something.somemethod'.

turning on debug might be helpful too:


hope this helps,


Daniel wrote:


Your xmlrpc call looks right.  If the method you're calling takes no
arguments then you pass in an empty Vector, which is what you've done.

I would check whether you are registering your handler/method on the
server correctly.


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Mailing List42 wrote:

Hi folks,

This is my first time sending to the list.  I've setup a server
application using a handler with the following:

public String pingme()
  return "hello world!";

I'm using the following client to call the server application:

I'm calling the above server using the following type of call:

Vector params = new Vector();
String results ="";
Object serverResult = client.execute("pingme",params);
result =(String) serverResult;

The problem appears to be that I can't figoure out how to fill out
params so that it's essentially null because the handler method
doesn't accept any parameters.  The execute call seems to always
require one.  Is there another call I can use?  Am I just doing
something silly here?

Thanks for the help,

This is my first use of a mailing list so please be kind!

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