RPM CVS Repository, Ticket Change Notification

  Ticket:        #18
  URL:           http://rpm5.org/cvs/tktview?tn=18

  Created:       2007-07-01 20:03:13
  Creator:       rse
  Contact:       -
  Title:         Hard-coded /etc/popt path
  Type:          Technology
  Version:       1.11
  Subsystem:     POPT
  Severity:      3
  Priority:      3

  Updated:       2007-07-02 11:00:08
  Status:        Closed
  Assigned:      -


  POPT has a hard-coded path /etc/popt in the source for reading the default
  POPT config file. This is not reasonable as a reusable cross-platform
  library. One at least should check for the installation path relative
  ${sysconfdir}/popt first.


  Now fixed for POPT 1.12 by reading in the installation-prefix-aware /popt
  before /etc/popt.

RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
CVS Sources Repository                                rpm-cvs@rpm5.org

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