RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository

  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Jeff Johnson
  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  j...@rpm5.org
  Module: rpm                              Date:   18-Sep-2010 20:03:31
  Branch: rpm-5_3                          Handle: 2010091818033000

  Added files:              (Branch: rpm-5_3)
    rpm/tests/mongo         Makefile.am

    - orphan.

    Revision    Changes     Path     +107 -0     rpm/tests/mongo/Makefile.am

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: rpm/tests/mongo/Makefile.am
  $ cvs diff -u -r0 -r1.3.2.2 Makefile.am
  --- /dev/null 2010-09-18 20:02:51.000000000 +0200
  +++ Makefile.am       2010-09-18 20:03:31.063369278 +0200
  @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
  +## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in.
  +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.4 foreign
  +     endian_swap \
  +     json
  +noinst_PROGRAMS = \
  +     all_types \
  +     auth \
  +     benchmark \
  +     count_delete \
  +     errors \
  +     pair \
  +     resize \
  +     simple \
  +     sizes \
  +     update
  +     -I$(srcdir) \
  +     -I$(top_srcdir) \
  +     -I$(top_srcdir)/rpmdb \
  +     -I$(top_srcdir)/rpmio
  +     $(top_builddir)/rpmio/librpmio.la \
  +     $(top_builddir)/misc/librpmmisc.la \
  +     @LTLIBINTL@
  +#    $(top_builddir)/rpmdb/librpmdb.la \
  +#    $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +#RPM_LDADD = \
  +#    $(top_builddir)/build/librpmbuild.la \
  +#    $(top_builddir)/lib/librpm.la \
  +#    $(RPMDB_LDADD)
  +mongoserver =               # XXX mongo.rpm5.org
  +all_types_SOURCES =  all_types.c
  +all_types_LDADD =    $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +auth_SOURCES =               auth.c
  +auth_LDADD =         $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +benchmark_SOURCES =  benchmark.c
  +benchmark_LDADD =    $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +count_delete_SOURCES =       count_delete.c
  +count_delete_LDADD = $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +endian_swap_SOURCES =        endian_swap.c
  +endian_swap_LDADD =  $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +errors_SOURCES =     errors.c
  +errors_LDADD =               $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +json_SOURCES =               json.c
  +json_LDADD =         $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +pair_SOURCES =               pair.c
  +pair_LDADD =         $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +resize_SOURCES =     resize.c
  +resize_LDADD =               $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +simple_SOURCES =     simple.c
  +simple_LDADD =               $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +sizes_SOURCES =              sizes.c
  +sizes_LDADD =                $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +update_SOURCES =     update.c
  +update_LDADD =               $(RPMIO_LDADD)
  +     @echo "=== mongo-c-driver ==="
  +     @echo "--> all_types"
  +     @-./all_types
  +     @echo "--> auth"
  +     @-./auth $(mongoserver)
  +#    @echo "--> benchmark"
  +#    @-./benchmark $(mongoserver)
  +     @echo "--> count_delete"
  +     @-./count_delete $(mongoserver)
  +#    @echo "--> endian_swap"
  +#    @-./endian_swap
  +     @echo "--> errors"
  +     @-./errors $(mongoserver)
  +#    @echo "--> json"
  +#    @-./json
  +     @echo "--> pair"
  +     @-./pair $(mongoserver)
  +     @echo "--> resize"
  +     @-./resize
  +     @echo "--> simple"
  +     @-./simple $(mongoserver)
  +     @echo "--> sizes"
  +     @-./sizes
  +     @echo "--> update"
  +     @-./update $(mongoserver)
  @@ .
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
CVS Sources Repository                                rpm-cvs@rpm5.org

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