RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository

  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Jeff Johnson
  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  j...@rpm5.org
  Module: rpm                              Date:   25-Oct-2010 23:47:23
  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2010102521472200

  Modified files:
    rpm                     devtool.conf

    - devtool: update the build option sets.

    Revision    Changes     Path
    2.355       +402 -85    rpm/devtool.conf

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: rpm/devtool.conf
  $ cvs diff -u -r2.354 -r2.355 devtool.conf
  --- rpm/devtool.conf  17 Oct 2010 07:00:01 -0000      2.354
  +++ rpm/devtool.conf  25 Oct 2010 21:47:22 -0000      2.355
  @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
   #        --enable-pcretest-libreadline \
   #        --with-ssl=openssl \
       #   configure RPM 5 with maximum internal (independence) and maximum
       #   external (reusability) extend as it usually is the case when
  @@ -104,7 +103,7 @@
           --with-gcrypt \
           --without-tomcrypt \
           --without-tpm \
  -        --with-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-libtasn1 \
           --without-pakchois \
           --without-gnutls \
           --with-neon=internal \
  @@ -128,12 +127,11 @@
           --without-rc \
           --without-js \
           --with-gpsee=/usr/lib/rpm \
  -        --with-mongo=/usr/lib/rpm \
           --with-python \
           --with-pythonembed=/usr/lib:/usr/include/python2.6 \
           --with-perl \
           --without-perlembed \
  -        --without-ruby \
  +        --with-ruby \
           --with-selinux \
           --with-sepol \
           --with-semanage \
  @@ -198,14 +196,15 @@
       %configure \
           --verbose \
           --prefix=/opt/local \
  -        --with-db=internal \
  -        --with-dbsql=internal \
  -        --with-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --enable-shared \
  +        --with-db=/opt/local/lib/db51:/opt/local/include \
  +        --with-dbsql=/opt/local/lib/db51:/opt/local/include \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
           --with-zlib \
           --with-bzip2 \
           --with-xz \
           --with-file \
  -        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-path-magic=/opt/local/share/misc/magic \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --with-tcl \
           --without-sqlite \
  @@ -213,29 +212,34 @@
           --with-readline \
           --with-augeas \
           --with-beecrypt=internal \
  +        --without-java \
           --with-openssl \
           --with-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
           --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
           --without-libtasn1 \
           --without-pakchois \
           --without-gnutls \
  -        --with-neon \
  +        --with-neon=external \
  +        --without-libproxy \
  +        --with-expat \
           --with-pcre=internal \
           --enable-utf8 \
           --with-uuid=/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/include/ossp \
  +        --without-attr \
  +        --without-acl \
           --with-xar=/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/include/xar \
           --with-popt=/opt/local \
           --without-keyutils \
           --with-pthreads \
           --without-libelf \
           --with-cudf \
  -        --without-selinux \
  -        --without-squirrel \
           --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
           --without-bash \
           --without-rc \
  -        --with-installed-readline \
           --without-js \
           --without-gpsee \
           --with-python=system \
  @@ -243,6 +247,11 @@
           --with-perl \
--with-perlembed=/opt/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/darwin-multi-2level/CORE \
           --with-ruby=/opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8 \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
  +        --with-installed-readline \
           --with-valgrind \
           --disable-openmp \
           --enable-build-warnings \
  @@ -255,13 +264,14 @@
       %configure \
           --verbose \
           --prefix=/opt/local \
  -        --with-db=internal \
  -        --with-dbsql=internal \
  -        --with-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
           --with-zlib \
           --with-bzip2 \
           --with-xz \
  -        --with-file=internal \
  +        --with-file \
  +        --with-path-magic=/opt/local/share/misc/magic \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --with-tcl \
           --without-sqlite \
  @@ -272,21 +282,27 @@
           --with-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
           --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
           --without-libtasn1 \
           --without-pakchois \
           --without-gnutls \
  -        --with-neon \
  +        --with-neon=external \
  +        --without-libroxy \
  +        --with-expat \
           --with-pcre=internal \
           --enable-utf8 \
           --with-uuid=/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/include/ossp \
  +        --without-attr \
  +        --without-acl \
           --with-xar=/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/include/xar \
  -        --with-popt \
  +        --with-popt=/opt/local \
           --without-keyutils \
           --with-pthreads \
           --without-libelf \
  -        --without-selinux \
  -        --without-squirrel \
  +        --without-cudf \
           --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
           --without-bash \
           --without-rc \
           --without-js \
  @@ -296,7 +312,154 @@
           --with-perl \
           --without-perlembed \
           --with-ruby=/opt/local/lib/ruby/1.8 \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
           --without-valgrind \
  +        --disable-openmp \
  +        --enable-build-warnings \
  +        --enable-build-debug \
  +        --enable-maintainer-mode
  +# CentOS 5.x/i686
  +    %autogen
  +    %configure \
  +        --verbose \
  +        --prefix=/usr \
  +        --enable-shared \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-zlib \
  +        --with-bzip2 \
  +        --with-xz \
  +        --with-file \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-lua=internal \
  +        --with-tcl \
  +        --without-sqlite \
  +        --with-syck=internal \
  +        --with-readline \
  +        --without-augeas \
  +        --with-beecrypt=internal \
  +        --without-java \
  +        --with-openssl \
  +        --with-nss \
  +        --with-gcrypt \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
  +        --with-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-pakchois \
  +        --without-gnutls \
  +        --with-neon=internal \
  +        --without-libproxy \
  +        --with-expat \
  +        --with-pcre=internal \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
  +        --without-uuid \
  +        --with-attr \
  +        --with-acl \
  +        --without-xar \
  +        --with-popt=internal \
  +        --with-keyutils \
  +        --with-pthreads \
  +        --with-libelf \
  +        --without-cudf \
  +        --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
  +        --without-bash \
  +        --without-rc \
  +        --without-js \
  +        --without-gpsee \
  +        --with-python \
  +        --without-pythonembed \
  +        --with-perl \
  +        --without-perlembed \
  +        --with-ruby \
  +        --with-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
  +        --with-build-extlibdep \
  +        --with-build-maxextlibdep \
  +        --with-valgrind \
  +        --disable-openmp \
  +        --enable-build-pic \
  +        --enable-build-versionscript \
  +        --enable-build-warnings \
  +        --enable-build-debug \
  +        --enable-maintainer-mode
  +# CentOS 5.x/x86_64
  +    %autogen
  +    %configure \
  +        --verbose \
  +        --prefix=/usr \
  +        --enable-shared \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-zlib \
  +        --with-bzip2 \
  +        --with-xz \
  +        --with-file \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-lua=internal \
  +        --with-tcl \
  +        --without-sqlite \
  +        --with-syck=internal \
  +        --with-readline \
  +        --without-augeas \
  +        --with-beecrypt=internal \
  +        --without-java \
  +        --with-openssl \
  +        --with-nss \
  +        --with-gcrypt \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
  +        --with-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-pakchois \
  +        --without-gnutls \
  +        --with-neon=internal \
  +        --without-libproxy \
  +        --with-expat \
  +        --with-pcre=internal \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
  +        --without-uuid \
  +        --with-attr \
  +        --with-acl \
  +        --without-xar \
  +        --with-popt \
  +        --with-keyutils \
  +        --with-pthreads \
  +        --with-libelf \
  +        --without-cudf \
  +        --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
  +        --without-bash \
  +        --without-rc \
  +        --without-js \
  +        --without-gpsee \
  +        --without-python \
  +        --without-pythonembed \
  +        --without-perl \
  +        --without-perlembed \
  +        --without-ruby \
  +        --with-selinux \
  +        --with-sepol \
  +        --with-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
  +        --with-build-extlibdep \
  +        --with-build-maxextlibdep \
  +        --with-valgrind \
  +        --disable-openmp \
  +        --enable-build-pic \
  +        --enable-build-versionscript \
           --enable-build-warnings \
           --enable-build-debug \
  @@ -307,14 +470,14 @@
       %configure \
           --verbose \
           --prefix=/usr \
  -        --with-db=internal \
  -        --with-dbsql=internal \
  -        --with-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
           --with-zlib \
           --with-bzip2 \
           --with-xz \
           --with-file \
  -        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/misc/magic \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --with-tcl \
           --without-sqlite \
  @@ -325,15 +488,22 @@
           --with-openssl \
           --without-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
  -        --with-expat \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
           --with-libtasn1 \
           --with-pakchois \
           --with-gnutls \
  -        --with-neon=internal \
  +        --with-neon=external \
  +        --without-libroxy \
  +        --without-expat \
  +        --with-libxml2 \
           --with-pcre=internal \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
           --with-uuid=system \
  +        --with-attr \
  +        --with-acl \
           --without-xar \
  -        --with-popt \
  +        --with-popt=internal \
           --with-keyutils \
           --with-pthreads \
           --with-libelf \
  @@ -363,41 +533,46 @@
           --enable-build-debug \
  -# ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx
  +# Caixa Magica 15x
       %configure \
           --verbose \
           --prefix=/usr \
  -        --with-db=internal \
  -        --with-dbsql=internal \
  -        --with-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
           --with-zlib \
           --with-bzip2 \
           --with-xz \
           --with-file \
  -        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/misc/magic \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --with-tcl \
           --without-sqlite \
           --with-syck=internal \
           --with-readline \
  -        --without-augeas \
  +        --with-augeas \
           --with-beecrypt=internal \
           --with-openssl \
  -        --with-nss \
  +        --without-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
  -        --with-expat \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
           --with-libtasn1 \
           --with-pakchois \
           --with-gnutls \
  -        --with-neon=internal \
  +        --with-neon=external \
  +        --without-libroxy \
  +        --without-expat \
  +        --with-libxml2 \
           --with-pcre=internal \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
           --without-uuid \
           --with-attr \
           --with-acl \
           --without-xar \
  -        --with-popt \
  +        --with-popt=internal \
           --with-keyutils \
           --with-pthreads \
           --with-libelf \
  @@ -411,7 +586,7 @@
           --without-gpsee \
           --with-python \
           --with-pythonembed=/usr/lib:/usr/include/python2.6 \
  -        --with-perl \
  +        --without-perl \
           --without-perlembed \
           --without-ruby \
           --without-selinux \
  @@ -421,20 +596,99 @@
           --with-build-extlibdep \
           --with-build-maxextlibdep \
           --with-valgrind \
  -        --disable-openmp \
           --enable-build-pic \
           --enable-build-versionscript \
           --enable-build-warnings \
           --enable-build-debug \
  -# CentOS 5.x
  +# FreeBSD 8.1 x86_64
  +    LOCALBASE=/usr/local
  +    sed -i -E -e "s:\$(libdir)/pkgconfig:${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig:" \
  +            scripts/Makefile.in
  +    CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${LOCALBASE}/include/xar"
  +    LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib"
  +    export CPPFLAGS
  +    export LDFLAGS
       %configure \
           --verbose \
  -        --prefix=/usr \
  +        --prefix=${PREFIX} \
  +        --sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc \
  +        --with-path-cfg=${PREFIX}/etc/rpm \
  +        --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \
  +        --infodir=${PREFIX}/info \
  +        --with-apidocs \
           --enable-shared \
  +        --with-db=${PREFIX}/lib/db51:${PREFIX}/include \
  +        --with-dbsql=${PREFIX}/lib/db51:${PREFIX}/include \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-zlib \
  +        --with-bzip2 \
  +        --with-xz \
  +        --with-file \
  +        --with-path-magic=${PREFIX}/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-lua=internal \
  +        --with-tcl \
  +        --without-sqlite \
  +        --with-syck=internal \
  +        --with-readline \
  +        --without-augeas \
  +        --with-beecrypt=internal \
  +        --without-java \
  +        --with-openssl \
  +        --with-nss \
  +        --with-gcrypt \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
  +        --without-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-pakchois \
  +        --without-gnutls \
  +        --with-neon=external \
  +        --without-libproxy \
  +        --with-expat \
  +        --with-pcre \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
  +        --with-uuid \
  +        --without-attr \
  +        --without-acl \
  +        --with-xar \
  +        --with-popt \
  +        --without-keyutils \
  +        --with-pthreads \
  +        --without-libelf \
  +        --without-cudf \
  +        --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
  +        --without-bash \
  +        --without-rc \
  +        --without-js \
  +        --without-gpsee \
  +        --with-python \
  +        --with-pythonembed=${PREFIX}/lib:${PREFIX}/include/python2.6 \
  +        --with-perl \
  +        --without-perlembed \
  +        --without-ruby \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
  +        --with-installed-readline \
  +        --without-valgrind \
  +        --disable-openmp \
  +        --enable-build-warnings \
  +        --enable-build-debug \
  +        --enable-maintainer-mode
  +# ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
  +    %autogen
  +    %configure \
  +        --verbose \
  +        --prefix=/usr \
           --with-db \
           --with-dbsql \
           --without-db-tools-integrated \
  @@ -452,23 +706,22 @@
           --with-beecrypt=internal \
           --without-java \
           --with-openssl \
  -        --with-nss \
  +        --without-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
  -        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --with-tomcrypt \
           --without-tpm \
  -        --with-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-libtasn1 \
           --without-pakchois \
           --without-gnutls \
           --with-neon=internal \
           --without-libproxy \
           --with-expat \
           --with-pcre=internal \
  -        --enable-utf8 \
           --without-uuid \
           --with-attr \
           --with-acl \
           --without-xar \
  -        --with-popt \
  +        --with-popt=internal \
           --with-keyutils \
           --with-pthreads \
           --with-libelf \
  @@ -479,15 +732,15 @@
           --without-bash \
           --without-rc \
           --without-js \
  -        --with-gpsee=/usr/lib/rpm \
  -        --without-python \
  +        --without-gpsee \
  +        --with-python \
           --without-pythonembed \
  -        --without-perl \
  +        --with-perl \
           --without-perlembed \
           --without-ruby \
  -        --with-selinux \
  -        --with-sepol \
  -        --with-semanage \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
           --without-squirrel \
           --with-build-extlibdep \
           --with-build-maxextlibdep \
  @@ -499,13 +752,12 @@
           --enable-build-debug \
  -# CentOS 5.x/x86_64
  +# CentOS 5.4
       %configure \
           --verbose \
           --prefix=/usr \
  -        --enable-shared \
           --with-db \
           --with-dbsql \
           --without-db-tools-integrated \
  @@ -513,28 +765,23 @@
           --with-bzip2 \
           --with-xz \
           --with-file \
  -        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/file/magic \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/misc/magic \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --with-tcl \
           --without-sqlite \
           --with-syck=internal \
  -        --with-readline \
  +        --without-readline \
           --without-augeas \
           --with-beecrypt=internal \
  -        --without-java \
           --with-openssl \
           --with-nss \
           --with-gcrypt \
  -        --without-tomcrypt \
  -        --without-tpm \
  -        --with-libtasn1 \
  +        --with-expat \
  +        --without-libtasn1 \
           --without-pakchois \
           --without-gnutls \
           --with-neon=internal \
  -        --without-libproxy \
  -        --with-expat \
           --with-pcre=internal \
  -        --enable-utf8 \
           --without-uuid \
           --with-attr \
           --with-acl \
  @@ -556,20 +803,90 @@
           --without-perl \
           --without-perlembed \
           --without-ruby \
  -        --with-selinux \
  -        --with-sepol \
  -        --with-semanage \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
           --without-squirrel \
           --with-build-extlibdep \
           --with-build-maxextlibdep \
  -        --with-valgrind \
  -        --disable-openmp \
  +        --without-valgrind \
  +        --enable-openmp \
           --enable-build-pic \
           --enable-build-versionscript \
           --enable-build-warnings \
           --enable-build-debug \
  +# OpenIndiana on x86
  +    %autogen
  +    %configure \
  +        --verbose \
  +        --prefix=/usr \
  +        --enable-shared \
  +        --with-db \
  +        --with-dbsql \
  +        --without-db-tools-integrated \
  +        --with-zlib \
  +        --with-bzip2 \
  +        --without-xz \
  +        --with-file \
  +        --with-path-magic=/usr/share/mime/magic \
  +        --without-lua \
  +        --with-tcl \
  +        --without-sqlite \
  +        --without-syck \
  +        --with-readline \
  +        --without-augeas \
  +        --with-beecrypt=internal \
  +        --without-java \
  +        --with-openssl \
  +        --without-nss \
  +        --without-gcrypt \
  +        --without-tomcrypt \
  +        --without-tpm \
  +        --without-libtasn1 \
  +        --without-pakchois \
  +        --without-gnutls \
  +        --with-neon=internal \
  +        --without-libproxy \
  +        --with-expat \
  +        --with-pcre=internal \
  +        --enable-utf8 \
  +        --without-uuid \
  +        --without-attr \
  +        --without-acl \
  +        --without-xar \
  +        --with-popt \
  +        --without-keyutils \
  +        --with-pthreads \
  +        --without-libelf \
  +        --without-cudf \
  +        --without-ficl \
  +        --without-aterm \
  +        --without-nix \
  +        --without-bash \
  +        --without-rc \
  +        --without-js \
  +        --without-gpsee \
  +        --without-python \
  +        --without-pythonembed \
  +        --without-perl \
  +        --without-perlembed \
  +        --without-ruby \
  +        --without-selinux \
  +        --without-sepol \
  +        --without-semanage \
  +        --without-squirrel \
  +        --with-build-extlibdep \
  +        --with-build-maxextlibdep \
  +        --without-valgrind \
  +        --enable-build-pic \
  +        --disable-build-versionscript \
  +        --enable-build-warnings \
  +        --enable-build-debug \
  +        --enable-maintainer-mode
   # CC=ccache env UMASK=022 distcc cc
   # CFLAGS=-O2 -g -m32 -march=pentium-mmx -fasynchronous-unwind-tables 
-I/usr/include/python2.5 -I/usr/include/beecrypt
   # CXX=ccache env UMASK=022 distcc g++
  @@ -649,13 +966,13 @@
           --without-selinux \
           --without-perl \
           --with-python=2.5 \
  -        --with-zlib \
  -        --with-bzip2 \
  -        --with-beecrypt \
  +        --with-zlib=external \
  +        --with-bzip2=external \
  +        --with-beecrypt=external \
           --without-neon \
           --with-file=internal \
  -        --with-popt \
  -        --with-sqlite \
  +        --with-popt=external \
  +        --with-sqlite=external \
           --with-dbapi=sqlite \
           --with-db=internal \
           --with-lua=internal \
  @@ -686,13 +1003,13 @@
           --with-selinux \
           --with-perl \
           --with-python=2.5 \
  -        --with-zlib \
  -        --with-bzip2 \
  -        --with-beecrypt \
  +        --with-zlib=external \
  +        --with-bzip2=external \
  +        --with-beecrypt=external \
           --with-neon \
           --with-file=internal \
  -        --with-popt \
  -        --with-sqlite \
  +        --with-popt=external \
  +        --with-sqlite=external \
           --with-db=internal \
           --with-lua=internal \
           --without-apidocs \
  @@ -1572,7 +1889,7 @@
           OPTION="$OPTION --with-xz=\"$base3rd/bin/$platform/xz-${v_xz}\""
           OPTION="$OPTION --without-db-rpc"
  -        OPTION="$OPTION --without-dbsql"
  +        OPTION="$OPTION --without-db-sql-codegen"
           OPTION="$OPTION --without-db-largefile"
           OPTION="$OPTION --with-db-tools-integrated"
           OPTION="$OPTION --with-db-mutex=\"UNIX/fcntl\""
  @@ -2219,14 +2536,14 @@
        # Ports: (* = internal)
        #       devel/automake111
  -     #       devel/autoconf263
  +     #       devel/autoconf268
        #       devel/doxygen
        #       graphics/graphviz
        #       converters/libiconv
        #       devel/gettext
        #  *    lang/lua
        #  *    textproc/syck
  -     #  *    databases/db50          SQL=on
  +     #       databases/db51          SQL=on
        #       databases/sqlite3       EXTENSION=on
        #       devel/popt              >= 1.15
        #       security/beecrypt
  @@ -2256,7 +2573,7 @@
                --with-perl \
                --with-python \
                --with-apidocs \
  -             --with-db=internal \
  +             --with-db \
                --with-sqlite=external \
                --with-dbsql \
                --with-db-tools-integrated \
  @@ .
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