RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository

  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Pinto Elia
  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  devzero2...@rpm5.org
  Module: rpm                              Date:   18-Sep-2014 14:23:46
  Branch: rpm-5_4                          Handle: 2014091812234303

  Modified files:           (Branch: rpm-5_4)
    rpm                     CHANGES rpmpopt.in

    Alias -P on --provides
    let's make it symmetric/consistent with -R/--requires
    Merge thierry vignaud patch for @rpm.org

    Revision    Changes     Path
    1.3501.2.446+3  -0      rpm/CHANGES    +3  -1      rpm/rpmpopt.in

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: rpm/CHANGES
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.3501.2.445 -r1.3501.2.446 CHANGES
  --- rpm/CHANGES       18 Sep 2014 05:07:00 -0000      1.3501.2.445
  +++ rpm/CHANGES       18 Sep 2014 12:23:43 -0000      1.3501.2.446
  @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
   5.4.15 -> 5.4.16:
  +    - devzero2000:  alias -P on --provides
  +     let's make it symmetric/consistent with -R/--requires
  +        Merge  thierry vignaud patch for @rpm.org  
       - jbj: ruby: install into /usr/lib/rpm*/lib/ruby
       - jbj: lua: install into /usr/lib/rpm*/lib/lua
       - jbj: lua: initialize LUA_PATH and  LUA_CPATH in order to load modules.
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: rpm/rpmpopt.in
  $ cvs diff -u -r2.92.2.5 -r2.92.2.6 rpmpopt.in
  --- rpm/rpmpopt.in    10 Sep 2014 19:05:52 -0000
  +++ rpm/rpmpopt.in    18 Sep 2014 12:23:46 -0000
  @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   # \verbatim
   # @USRLIBRPM@/@configure_input@
  -# $Id: rpmpopt.in,v 2014/09/10 19:05:52 jbj Exp $
  +# $Id: rpmpopt.in,v 2014/09/18 12:23:46 devzero2000 Exp $
   # This file *should not be modified*. Local customizations
   # belong in /etc/popt, not here. This file will be replaced
  @@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
   rpm  alias --provides        --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities that this package provides"
  +rpm  alias -P --provides
   rpm  alias --requires        --qf \
  @@ .
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
CVS Sources Repository                                rpm-cvs@rpm5.org

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