In regard to: Re: Eliminating Berekeley DB/Sqlite3 in favor of a flat file...:

;-) Glad to hear there are a few who do not dislike Berkeley DB.

I don't know that it's to the level of "Gold Standard", but Berkeley DB
is, in my experience, an extremely high quality piece of software.  I'm
not a worrier, but if I were, there are hundreds of software components
in the environment I work in that are *less* critical than Berkeley DB
that I would worry more about breaking and ruining my day (or week).

I've probably just jinxed myself,  ;-)

Tim Mooney                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Services                   (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building                        (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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