I'm seeing renewed interest in finer grained control of paackage/file

Basically all I'm saying is that rpmtransFlags should be masked
by per-package content. The commonly encountered problem is that
a vendor releases a b0rked package because of lack of QA (usually),
and that problem cannot be fixed automagically by upgrading the package.

In case it *still* is not obvious what I'm saying, consider a package
upgrade from A-1 => A-2 when the %preun script was b0rked. Adding
the per-package equivalent of --nopreun carried in the A-2 metadata
that is applied to the A-1 erasure permits an upgrade in spite of
known scriptlet breakage.

At the same time, I will likely add a new RPMTRANS_FLAG_NORPMDB bit
to disable rpmdbAdd() should be implemented while installing, think of
it as a per-package --nojustdb flag, if you catch my drift.

At the package level, that's my re-interpretation of the "melting"
RFE located at

There's another analogue "don't install" disabler at a per-file
granularity related to package "bundles" as well. The motivation
for package "bundles" is very well known, most recently seen at

Panu got the analysis entirely wrong imho. glibc changes
NPTL like once a decade, and rpm gets upgraded so seldom, that
the alleged ( show me the reproducer please) failure modes for
package "bundles" have a vanishingly small incidence, certainly
not a valid reason to avoid implementing perfectly sound and useful
RPM functionality.

A package "bundle", for those who have not been paying attention over
the years, is a rpm that carries other rpm's in the payload and does
        rpm -Uvh /path/to/internal/packages*.rpm
in %post with the analogous "rpm --erase" invocation done in %preun.

The flaw that remains to be solved is to add a per-file "erase this
file from the file system after %post has been performed" to answer
the critic's who point out (correctly) that the rpms-within-a-rpm "bundle"
are useless bloatery after %post has done its job.

So rpm needs to clean up package "bundle" trash after use, very not hard to implement.

So another per-file RPMVERIFY_*/VERIFY_*/QUERY_* flag bit will be defined to control the behavior
of "erase this file after %post has been run".

No idea what I will call the bit in the enum's yet.

So its almost time for the bikeshed discussion of what the *.spec
syntax to set the per-package and per-file disabler bits should be. Personally
I dopn't give a hoot, bits == bits, syntax be damned.


73 de Jeff

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