On May 8, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

On Wed, May 06, 2009, Jeff Johnson wrote:

While muddling through how to add rpmvercmp to JavaScript,
I find myself thinking Yet Again about how silly and feeble
and fragile and deficient rpmvercmp actually is.

So I ask the question:
 Can *RE patterns that match newer but not older
 packages be devised?

The general answer is boring: No, of course not.

Yes. RE's are good for _parsing_ individual versions into their parts,
but _comparing_ two versions should be done by comparing the parts
theirself after an RE parsing step. And this comparison is indepenent of
the RE parsing step itself.

So, IMHO what RPM should do is this:

1. There should be a PCRE-based version parsing macros defined
similar in spirit to what "__VER__" expands to in vcheck(1) but which
  has the focus on parsing a version into its _parts_:

  %__rpm_version_part_parse    (\d+|[^\d]+)
  %__rpm_version_part_map      (?g)[._-]+ "" \
                               (?i)^(?:d|dev(?:el)?)$ 0 \
                               (?i)^(?:s|snapshot)$   1 \
                               (?i)^(?:a|alpha)$      2 \
                               (?i)^(?:b|beta)$       3 \
                               (?i)^(?:rc|candidate)$ 4 \
                               (?i)^(?:|r|release)$   5 \
                               (?i)^(?:pl|patch)$     6

  This maps "0.9a7" to [0,5,9,2,7], "1.2.3" to [1,5,2,5,3], etc.

2. Then RPM should have a default implementation for comparison
  which just compares the numbers of those result arrays, similar to
  what rpmvercmp() does: first the first numbers, then the second
  numbers, etc. Once one array is exhausted the comparison stops, too.
  Additionally RPM should allow this comparison to be implemented
  in an arbitrary embedded language via a macro:

  %__rpm_version_compare       %{...: ....}

  This macro receives the two arrays and has to return -1, 0, +1.

Note that strcmp {-1,0,+1} returns are not the right implementation.

RPM versions are inequalities represented as half-planes, not points.
So TRUE/FALSE, not {LT,EQ,GT}, are a better representation for
whether inequailities, not points, overlap (or not).

Drilling down into the details of the version comparison, with
segmentation into tuples so that an EVR comparison can be
fully performed outside of a block-box function is the wrong
approach (even if quite doable and perhaps useful for other reasons).

This way the whole version comparing stuff is fully pluggable, as one
can define how a version is parsed into its chunks and second how those
chunks are compared.

But %track (and /usr/lib/rpm/vcheck.pl) are based
on *RE's and Get It Right! (i.e. detecting newer
upstream versions of tarballs) sufficiently often
that newer EVR comnparisons might be done with *RE's
rather than the usual slice-n-dice of alpha/digit/other
character sets and using strcmp(3).

The slice-n-dice is still present in my above RE solution, of course.
I don't think one can get rid of this. Even vcheck(1) internally does
something like this. Its __VER__ regex is just for matching the whole
version, not for comparison.

Perhaps a better (as in easier to answer) question is
 How many types of versioning pattern templates would
 need to recognized for rpmvercmp to be done
 using *RE's instead?

I think the above two macros and their REs are suffcient. The first one
is applied repeateadly to determine the parts, the second ones REs are
applied in sequence on each resulting part for canoncalization/filter
purposes. The result always should be an array of numerically (and this
way easily) comparable parts.

But isn't a mapping of E:V-R into a memoization dictionary that
preserves the comparison far less complex than splitting out
all the details into easily comparable parts?

Sure there's the daunting cost of setting up and maintaining
a memoization dictionary containing all needed EVR items.

But what is achieved is a simple numerical comparison on integers that
represent complex segmented strings without all the gory implementation

73 de Jeff
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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