On Apr 5, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

> Hm, okay, so better obviously needs to be done.

Have a go at fixing if you wish.

The core problem is this:

rpmbuild can take either *.spec or *.src.rpm as inputs.

noobs complain loudly (because n00biness is embarassing) when
rpmbuild doesn't detect and exit gracefully when args are misused.

There's also the general problem of random input
        rpmbuild -ba /dev/random
with segfaults (though I doubt there's any serious security issue,
rpmbuild is usually run on machines protected in other ways, and
I'll start fuzzing rpmbuild for buffer overrun's and such when gcc and make
and binutils and other commonly used tools on build systems
start being routinely subjected to fuzz-busters ...).

> For what currently is though, is it supposed to be broken or...?

I truly care only about not being bothered with silly mindless
RFE's about error messages and exit codes. Its not like rpmbuild
can be changed in any meaningful way for zillions of reasons
called "build recipes" and "package monkeys" who expect
rpmbuild to continue working -- good/bad/ugly --
exactly as its always done. See the %_initrddir thread for a
perfectly common bug report (not hard to "fix", just multiple
definitions to handle multiple dialects that unccordinated vendors
have chosen is, well, there's no win there either ...)

What made me squawk is that you cross-dressed (your obvious fix)
as if it were an enhancement to support utf8. That isn't the issue
with the stoopid n00by "sanity check" needs to prevent confusing
*.spec and *.src.rpm inputs as args to the same executable.

> --
> Regards,
> Per Øyvind
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