One of the "features" in rpm is that
you could get specific unambigous (modulo
multiple identical --relocate'd instances
which noone has ever really needed/used)
by simply doing

        pkgs="`rpm -qa`"

with the default format.

Because the Cooker "default" format now has an
extra '-' character which hasnever been there before,
there's a bit more work to do to fix the input
argument parsing,

Reproducers in Cooker (and with Distepoch:) are trivially arranged
like this:


pkgs="`rpm -qa`"

echo "==> `date -u --rfc-3339=seconds`"
for pkg in $pkgs; do
    echo "----- $pkg"
    $rpm -q --wnh:primary.mongo $pkg
    npkgs=$(($npkgs + 1))
echo "npkgs: $npkgs"
echo "<== `date -u --rfc-3339=seconds`"

Sure I know how to change the "default" --queryformat string.

73 de Jeff
RPM Package Manager                          
Developer Communication List              

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