On May 3, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

> Btw. Jeff, I think you're free to redesign DUDF format and also
> implement it directly in RPM, and we'll use adopt it right away. :)

It's the "right away" that is a bit scary.

If you think I can deliver a "production" ready replacement
for a full rpmdb dump under all tool chains in one swell foop,
well, think again please.

There really isn't (or shouldn't be) any hurry here with DUDF -> CUDF.
The ripple affect is gonna take some time to work through.

I would *really* like to see the Mancoosi tools being
used, the research was dead-on even if DUDF was a
necessary design flaw and that Version: memoization
prevents CUDF from far far wider usage cases (but
CUDF can be used to test RPM even if RPM cannot
generate CUDF easily/simply).


73 de Jeff

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