On May 4, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Robert Fox wrote:

> i586 has been built . . . but x86_64 seems to be stuck:
> http://kenobi.mandriva.com/bs//build.php
> Anxiously awaiting this build to fix two broken systems . . .
> Can someone give it a kick or something . . .

While I understand your need, and I certainly would kick whatever
if I was sufficiently enabled, I cannot help there.

But I'll piggyback on your request to point out the obvious:

        When RPM segfaults *EVERYTHING* stops.

We've gone around this loop on cooker devel *AT LEST* 10-20 times
over the last few months.

You can honk that the Mandriva build system is broken (imho its
getting the job done or beta2 wouldn't exist), or whether I'm an
asshole and Per Oyvind is an idiot and all sorts of other entertaining\
"social" issues as you wish, but the reality is this:

        What is good for a distro != how rpm needs to be packaged

The specific issues have to do with "dependency helll" and static vs
dynamic linking.

Historically, /bin/rpm was _ALWAYS_ statically linked. That is/was
good for RPM and RPM users: RPM continues to function no matter what
else might break.

However, as distros have grown and become (imho) "bloaty" and
have to focus on refactoring "security" upgrades into a single
package for efficiency, well that too is perfectly sane for a *distro*
but not at all sane for RPM itself.

The issues with *.a librrary removal from distros has become serious
enough that it literally is no longer possible for rpm to be statically

The upgrade model for whatever OSnews and LWN wishes to find at these
entries in /etc/hosts
        # rpm5.org
        # rpm6.org 
is about to change to create statically linked binary versions of rpm
that WILL drop-in on distros that are no longer able to handle what
are relatively simple issues like a RPM segfaul,t on a time scale that is in
accordance with distro user expectations.

The project has all the necessary infrastructure knowledge
and talent with "continuous integration" to properly build rpm so
that users are not left asking on mailing lists repeatedly for

This months choice of distro for which the project
is going to build statically linked binary packaging is
(Details are still being coordinated with Silvan, its entirely up to
OpenMAMBA what they choose to do; this is a project
announcement that this month's distro is OpenMAMBA including arm, nothing more).

If you wish similar statically linked solutions for M&M or any other rpm based 
you have but to ask, and whatever rpm you wish linked statically to avoid the
quite simple engineering problem of
        What happens if RPM segfaults?
will be attempted and adjusted to whatever is desired. Distro's are most
definitely encouraged to supply *.a libraries sufficient to statically link
RPM no matter what the project chooses to install
under "continuous integration" buildbots for the project's purposes.

At the same time, a MongoDB store and other forms of automated QA
will be attempted on the chosen distro-of-the-month.

June's distro will be MOMONGA (mho only), I think the flying squirrel is
cuter than Poky's.


73 de Jeff

> Thx,
> R.Fox

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