On May 31, 2011, at 3:26 PM, Robert Xu wrote:

> Hi all (again),
> This... patch is confusing me. Especially since it changes between
> rpm4.8 and rpm4.9, I do not know where to look:
> https://github.com/devzero2000/RPM/commit/1d6e4fcd667472dc9d252194b9a12a390aa32abb

There's not really much happening in this patch.

The hardest part of a build is getting the %files manifest correct.

All the patch does is try to _ALSO_ do the checkfiles()
sanity check so that _ALL_ the errors can be dealt with,
rather than having to go through the tedium of
        lather ... rinse ... repeat

So its mostly a NICETOHAVE, and rather minor tweak, rather
than anything essential.

Yes there's often internal rearrangements of code in rpmbuild
that are difficult to understand applying patches but are otherwise
mostly cosmetic.


73 de Jeff

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