On Jun 29, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Tim Mooney wrote:

> In regard to: R: Re: RPM DB, Berkley DB and journal files, 
> pinto.elia@gmail...:
>> Perhaps OT, but just a my random thought about this thread about  rpm5
>> and berkley DB. most of which is discussed here is very similar, or
>> equal sometime, on similar question on openldap. Apparently strange but
>> not so quite if someone think carefully at the rpm5 rpm acid feature.
>> Just for Remainder my self, and Who is interested, that the rpm acid
>> docu, not so much at this moment, need also on a tuning guide. Sound
>> like a plan ? :-)
> It's funny you mention OpenLDAP, since most of what I've learned about
> BDB in the past year has been because of the work I did to upgrade my
> site's primary and secondary LDAP servers to OpenLDAP 2.4.25.

Hehe, I too am paying attention to OpenLDAP not rpmdb, because of Lion

> OpenLDAP, being long-running and highly performance-sensitive, demands a
> lot more tuning of BDB than RPM does and not all of the same
> considerations will apply, but learning something about BDB for one of
> those two packages will still help with tuning the other.

And almost certainly for both OpenLDAP and RPM:

        If you don't understand what is in DB_CONFIG, you are
        likely going to become a "Berkeley DB Hater" shortly.

Seriously: The default parameters in Berkeley DB -- while wisely chosen --
aren't anyplace close to being correct for even moderately large stores
like in both OpenLDAP and RPM. This is also quite true for larger
stores like SKS key dumps with 3Gb of pubkeys:
        You MUST choose your parameters actively and adjust to usage case.

Meanwhile: Do you agree that increasing mmap size is the most important
performance related tunable? I've diddled most of the tunables at some
point or another using rpm --stats as a measurement, and mmap'd I?O
is/was the most important tunable (disabling sync cannot be done in "production"

73 de Jeff

> Tim
> -- 
> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
> Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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