I've recently built a LFS 64bit system and only put the additional
requirements onto the system to compile RPM.

I'm kinda stuck, getting the db initialized. I've got rpm installed and
repackaged itself, i.e. I've recompiled rpm with itself using rpm into the
first rpm pkg.

However I can not install RPMs. I must be missing something to jump start
the setup.

-bash-4.2# rpm --rebuilddb
rpmdb: BDB1546 unable to join the environment
error: db_init:db3.c:1085: dbenv->open(11): Resource temporarily unavailable
error: cannot open Packages(0) index: Resource temporarily unavailable(11)
        DB: Berkeley DB 5.3.15: (December 19, 2011)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm

I've been scouring over the changelog and examples / INSTALL etc. They all
seem to be kinda outdated, ranging from citing an incorrect DB version to
be used with rpm and so forth. So is there something that I should be aware

Matthew could you use a hand with getting someone looking at the
documentation side of things? I think I could manage that.

Tobias Gerschner
Yoper Linux - www.yoper-linux.org

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

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