as discussed on irc, we're moving our macros, brp scripts etc. to a separate 
package -- after that change, it would be nice if we just didn't have to patch 
stuff that is provided by rpm anymore.

Currently we still have a few modifications in /usr/lib/rpm/macros and 
/usr/lib/rpm/macros.rpmbuild -- but if the files shipped with rpm simply loaded 
another macro file, we could place all our customizations there.

This patch makes /usr/lib/rpm/macros load /usr/lib/macros.@RPMCANONVENDOR@ and 
/usr/lib/rpm/macros.rpmbuild load /usr/lib/macros.rpmbuild.@RPMCANONVENDOR@ -- 
seems to me like a reasonable approach to do this.

--- rpm/macros/macros.in.omv~	2017-06-05 15:00:10.858677904 +0200
+++ rpm/macros/macros.in	2017-06-05 15:01:06.296356115 +0200
@@ -1019,5 +1019,9 @@ package or when debugging this package.\
 # tcl(...) configuration.
+# vendor specific configuration
 # \endverbatim
--- rpm/macros/macros.rpmbuild.in.omv~	2017-06-05 15:01:10.212262755 +0200
+++ rpm/macros/macros.rpmbuild.in	2017-06-05 15:01:26.763868157 +0200
@@ -664,5 +664,9 @@ done \
 %requires_eq()	%(echo '%*' | LC_ALL="C" xargs -r rpm -q --qf 'Requires: %%{name} = %%{epoch}:%%{version}\\n' | sed -e 's/ (none):/ /' -e 's/ 0:/ /' | grep -v "is not")
+# vendor specific configuration
 # \endverbatim

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