On Mon, 2018-07-09 at 08:59 +0000, Michael Schroeder wrote:
> I tought about this a bit more over the weekend, and maybe we
> should do this in a bit more general way. Basically zchunk is
> just another compression format, like "xz" or "zstd". If we
> want to support yet another compression format, we proably wouldn't
> want to add new attributes to the existing elements, but instead
> add new elements. E.g.
> <data type="primary">
>   <location href="...primary.gz" />
>   <checksum type="sha256">...</checksum>
> </data>
> <data type="primary" compression="xz">
>   <location href="...primary.xz" />
>   <checksum type="sha256">...</checksum>
> </data>
> We might also want to add a "format" attribute in case we want
> to get switch from "xml" to something that can be parsed faster,
> like "json".
> The zchunk compression format would be the same, but with added
> "header-size" and "header-checksum" elements (so back to what
> you had earier):
> <data type="primary" compression="zchunk">
>   <location href="...primary.zck" />
>   <checksum type="sha256">...</checksum>
>   <timestamp>...</timestamp>
>   <size>...</size>
>   <open-size>...</open-size>
>   <open-checksum type="sha256">...</open-checksum>
>   <header-size>...</header-size>
>   <header-checksum type="sha256">...</header-checksum>
> </data>
> The problem with all this is that we don't know how all the
> repomd.xml parsers behave when there are multiple <data> elements
> with the same type, so we might need to annotate the "type" with
> the compression/format, e.g. "primary@zchunk".

I had originally planned to do something along these lines (I think I
used primary-zck rather than primary@zchunk), but realized that this
pushed the "choose best format" code into the top-level tools, rather
than leaving the decision in librepo.

I suppose if librepo grew the ability to understand that primary@zchunk
 matches primary, it could work, but that would take some work, I

What would be worth the effort would be switching back to header-size
and header-checksum, and making sure that createrepo can create zchunk-
only metadata as well as the current plan of zchunk+gz metadata.  In
other words, we only use zck-loc and zck-timestamp if it's zchunk+gz.

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