On 03/13/2013 03:19 PM, Michael Schroeder wrote:
On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 03:37:12PM +0100, Michael Schroeder wrote:
I kind of like to have all the data in one file.

Anyway, attached is a little Packages database implementation I did yesterday
and today.

Attached is the current version of my little experiments. The main
changes are:

- I switched to adler32 instead of md5sum
- I added a little index database implementation, rpmidx.[ch]

Oh, awesome. I was quietly hoping you might do a proof-of-concept index (database) implementation too, and here we are :) Haven't looked deeply into it yet, but in any case with an actual alternative implementation it'll be much easier to work towards a backend abstraction in the rpmdb layer, and actually be able to test it.

The index database is using mmap to map the database into memory.
It uses the main rpmpkg database for locking.

Performance and database sizes seem to be promising.

Things I'm not happy about:

- resizing currently works by rebuilding a new database and
   calling rename(). I can change this to be inplace, though,
   it just makes to code a little bit slower because I don't
   want to simply overwrite the old data. I basically want an
   "atomic" switch to the new data.

- The generation count in idxdb is currently not used. My goal
   is to detect crashed database updates somehow.

Yup, detecting and automatically regenerating out-of-sync indexes is pretty much a must (yet something we currently dont have either, sigh)

Some other "issues" in the current implementation AFAICS:
- The ability to grab all keys of an index is missing, which would be needed for the newish index iterator API. I always had the feeling that API might come back to bite us at some point... - Index keys are limited to strings whereas we currently have others too, but then all the actually interesting indexes have string keys, and we might well be able just to eliminate the others (or convert the data into strings)

BTW shouldn't those h2be() and be2h() calls be htonl() and ntohl() instead? The idea seems to be keeping the database and indexes in big-endian, ie network byte order (which is good IMO), but currently its unconditionally byteswapping so big-endian system would have the db's in little endian format and little endian systems in big endian. Or am I totally missing something here?

        - Panu -
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