Yup, see also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1397209. Whether it's 
truly *intentional* I don't know but AFAIK it's always been that way.

Fixing it is a simple matter of:
--- a/rpmio/macro.c
+++ b/rpmio/macro.c
@@ -687,8 +687,10 @@ grabArgs(MacroBuf mb, const rpmMacroEntry me, const char * 
      * Append the results to main argv. 
     {  ARGV_t av = NULL;
-       char *s = xcalloc((lastc-se)+1, sizeof(*s));
-       memcpy(s, se, (lastc-se));
+       char *s = NULL;
+       /* Expand possible macros in the arguments */
+       expandThis(mb, se, lastc-se, &s);
        argvSplit(&av, s, " \t");
        argvAppend(&argv, av);

...but it'd be changing a longstanding behavior and there's no telling what 
might break if we did that.

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