History from the FreeBSD project showed that automating static analysis tools 
during build just leads to gigabytes of information that slowly composts 
because fixing warnings from static analysis is a Sisyphean task. The issue I 
am pointing out is that static analysis should NOT be run on every rpm build, 
there's simply too many warnings to handle.

Meanwhile, rpmbuild already classifies files and passes (executable) content 
for dependency extraction. That same mechanism could be extended for static 
analysis on scripts. Just as easily,
rpmlint could/should be modified to automate static analysis on distributed 
python/bash scripts.

Doing C static analysis needs more context than a single file and is usually 
done like in coverity, by adding a wrapper to an existing build using envier's. 
There is nothing in a *spec file that prevents coverity-style static analysis 
during an rpmbuild. Again, the volume of warnings/errors usually is large 
enough to make the automation nothing more than an annoyance.

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