On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:54:36AM -0400, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Two other comments on AUTOINSTALLED:
> 1) Use a string (or string array) with values like "manual" and "auto"
> rather than bits. The meaning is more intuitive, and avoids lots of
> fluff everywhere to Name Those Bits! with --query and in bindings.

I think enum would be more reliable rather than a string because this is
more strict and simpler than parsing of various indeterminate values
that every distro can determine as it wants, so there may be different
string values that mean the same, or worse: same string values with
different meaning.

> 2) Use a header extension outside of rpm to permit accessing
> AUTOINSTALLED  with --queryformat. Header extension tables can be
> chained together to permit callbacks to other routines.  (there may be
> some minor rpm API resurrections needed, but the basic functionality
> to chain is likely still intact in rpm even if lightly used).

   With best regards,
   Vladimir D. Seleznev
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