@berolinux Just to be clear, I -have- a customer who has asked for armv8 
WITHOUT NEON/VFP.  This was obviously in the embedded space, but the same 
customer is saying that it's not for compatibility, but is actually a 32-bit 
'armv8' processor.  (No 64-bit support..)  I have no idea if those claims are 
true or not, as I've not directly worked on that processor.   Thus the mass 
confusion continues.

But I agree with you, all aarch64 CPUs I have seen include all of the 
prescribed hardware as indicated by the spec.  There may be some instruction 
scheduling differences, but so far the instruction set has been consistent and 

But with that said, I agree with what @n3npq mentioned above.  Having these 
indicates as part of the package 'name' (other then for human readable 
purposes) really no longer makes sense.  Between compatibility frameworks, 
emulators, etc...  the system and users should be able to specify compatibility 
and priority and just 'go from there'.   Same with package generation.  It 
would make my life easier (using RPM in embedded systems) to get rid of this 
rpmrc notion for anything more then 'human readable'.

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