I got an email notification about a comment that was made on this issue by 
@n3npq , but I can't see it here in the github webui.  Quoting his comment from 
the email notification:

> FWIW, rpm -qlv used exactly the same format as cpio(1) when implemented way 
> back when.
> Continuing that practice of using the same format as cpio(1) preserves output 
> compatibility.

I checked and tested cpio, and I can confirm it truncates names to 8 
characters, but it always has space in between user and group name and hence 
does not merge them. The format string is `%-8.8s %-8.8s`:


I can't tell if that format has been used forever, but it's what's used in the 
initial import to the above upstream git form 2004.

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