It would be nice to extend the %patchlist concept to have a %patchlist0 
(patches to apply after extracting %source0), %patchlist1  (patches to apply 
after extracting %source1), etc

That would get one step closer to deprecate the byzantine way %setup expects to 
specify patch ordering in presence of multiple archives.

Ideally, we could get to a point, where a "smart" autoprep is just extract 
archive0, apply all the patches in %patchlist0, extract archive1, apply all the 
patches in %patchlist1, etc, with no special packager intervention, except to 
override default flags for the extract and patch operations when needed.

And the overriding only needs the extract and patch verbs to have good default 
settings, that can be overriden with %extractflagsX and %patchflagsX magic 

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