>     * The expansion of macro %{getmem:virt}" finishes with an error. It is 
> because getmem returns 0. This is caused by the fact that function 
> getmem_virt returns SIZE_MAX. After dividing by 1024^2 it is still to high to 
> fit into return_type of getmem (unsigned int).

Right. I probably only tested this in 32bit context where its more relevant. 
There might be more similar issues lurking (it's only an RFC for a reason)

>     * If there is a wrong parameter after '%{getmem:' , then no warning or 
> error is emitted

Yeah, known. Missing/wrong arguments to built-in macros are wildly inconsistent 
in how they behave, some emit errors, some just fail silently etc.

>     * Why you use a new type of built-in macro synatx %{getmem:} instead of 
> something close to the existing built-in macros like %getmem_avail?

It's not a new syntax, it's a built-in with an argument like several others. I 
don't see a point of adding multiple macros that all return different aspects 
of the same thing, that's what a parameter is for. Purely a matter of style of 

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