This patch makes a couple of related changes:
- lets you set %{_buildsubdir} as a global to expose it everywhere,
  rather than just specific parts of %prep (%setup and %patch*)
- lets you choose what path is used independently of the unpack
  options in %setup
- allows you to use a different %{_buildsubdir} in different parts of
  the .spec, for instance if you have multiple builds of the same code
  with different compile options
- renames it to %{_buildsubdir} since it's now exposed

Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <>
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * Make %{buildsubdir} usable without being a side effect of %setup.

-- File Changes --

    M build/build.c (13)
    M build/files.c (8)
    M build/pack.c (2)
    M build/parsePrep.c (24)
    M build/policies.c (2)
    M build/rpmbuild_internal.h (1)
    M build/spec.c (2)
    M (4)
    M tests/data/macros.debug (2)

-- Patch Links --

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