(The source hash is an interesting and not-unrelated problem, but there's some 
other stuff to figure out before that can get done correctly - like how to make 
a sufficiently-unique but also human-meaningful identifier for the environment 
the package was built in, or the flags used to build it, etc..)

> Somehow permitting the payload bits to differ from what was created at 
> build-time would be a pretty significant change for rpm, but I agree there's 
> a point in it: ultimately it's the authenticity of delivered bits that 
> matter, not the delivery box (of compression). 

Yeah, that's it exactly - as a general principle, the digest/signature should 
cover some _canonical form_ of the data. That way other people can 
transform/store/etc. the data however they want, as long as there's a way to 
reliably transform it _back_ to the canonical form it can always be verified as 

In other words: If you sign _uncompressed_ data, it's possible to verify _any_ 
compressed data, because every compression algorithm guarantees that it can 
recover the original data

Similarly: if you sign the data with a well-known ordering - like, say, signing 
a hash of the sorted list of individual file digests - then you can verify the 
data regardless of what order you examine the individual parts. (Which is kind 
of like the source file hash you're talking about, but connecting source and 
binaries is tricky, so let's not get into that yet...)

As an optimization, it definitely makes sense to include a digest (or multiple 
digests!) of uncompressed and compressed/archived data, so you can more quickly 
verify the integrity of common payload formats.  (Solaris IPS does something 
like this - they have "hash" and "chash" keys/tags in their package metadata, 
so you can check the `chash` if you have compressed data, or uncompress it and 
you can check `hash`..)

Anyway, my interest here is more about compatibility between RPM and external 
tools, especially new repo/package formats. Generally: if I have some data 
store that contains (or can rebuild) a complete, intact RPM header, and I have 
all the files listed in that RPM header - and all their digests match, so I 
know I have the right files - what's the easiest way for me to get RPM to 
install/update/verify that package header and those files? 

It turns out that given _just_ the RPM header and the file contents you can 
reconstruct the original RPM lead and uncompressed payload of nearly all modern 
RPMs - all the data in the lead and CPIO headers is also in the RPM headers, 
and the payload file ordering _almost_ always match the header order. But I 
still can't convince RPM that I have authentic data, because I'm using a 
slightly different version of xz, or I didn't store the original timestamp, or 
the payload file order sometimes doesn't match the RPM header file ordering, or 

So: any solution that means that I can get RPM to accept that the uncompressed 
files are, in fact, the same as the compressed ones, would be pretty great.

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