This adds a -f argument to %patchlist, similar to that for %files.

There is no limit to how many patchlist files you specify, and doing so
does not restrict the use of an inline patch list.  Patches get added
from the leftmost list to rightmost, and any patches listed below get
added after that.

I couldn't find other code that obviously just reads a list of lines
from a file without assuming it's a .spec, so I've open coded this.  If
there's a better way, I'm open to suggestions.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * Make "%patchlist -f patches" work.

-- File Changes --

    M build/parseList.c (84)
    M system.h (1)
    M tests/ (1)
    A tests/data/SOURCES/patchlist (2)
    A tests/data/SPECS/hello-patchlist-f.spec (30)
    M tests/ (18)

-- Patch Links --

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