> https://github.com/gordonmessmer/convert-440/blob/master/convert-pep440.py

Wow! That looks great!
I started writing something similar, but ran into a lack of tests – I can't 
hold all the details in my head alone.

> For example, I don't know what you have in mind when you say "strictly 
> standard-based implementation"

Well, figure out how to map PEP 440 & 508 to RPM versioning/requires properly :)
(For the record, the PEPs are relevant because they are linked from 
https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/specifications/ – on its own, an 
Active/Informational PEP is not an agreed-to standard.)

For example, we're currently ignoring pre-releases. That's probably OK, but it 
should be a conscious/documented decision.

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