This was actually suggested here first (see #722) and rejected in this form 
with the notion that there might be something there however. So of the problem 
is figuring what that "something like" is.

Singling out tilde seems odd. I could imagine there being cases where you want 
these "rpm embellishments" stripped out, but that should then also cover caret 
(and any other such thing that might get added in the future), which calls for 
a more generic name. "Upstream version" was mentioned in the PR, but that 
doesn't sound right either because the tilde/caret parts typically *are* from 
upstream. Something like "bare version" (any phonetic resemblance to large four 
feet mammals is purely coincidental), *but* this makes me think we're going 
backwards here, and that we should start by disassembling Version to its 
components at the "source" already.

There's this "main" or "bare" version which is typically something like 
[major[.minor[.micro[.nano]]]] and these can have pre- and post-modifiers that 
affect the sorting. Should spec have separate tags to declare these as 
individual components that rpm arranges into a Version as we know it? Or 

As for passing passing empty strings (or strings with spaces etc) as a macro 
argument, use %{quote:} 

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