Le mer. 24 juin 2020 à 10:59, Thierry Vignaud <thierry.vign...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> This fixes multiple dependency generator related regressions introduced
>> beta2, by reverting the "fail build on dependency generator failure"
>> change introduced there.
>> We don't usually release new tarballs just because an issue was found in
>> a beta, but since beta2 was released to address just this type of issues
>> in beta1 already... And is this wasn't enough, I managed to upload a
>> wrong tarball to the website momentarily, so if you were hasty enough to
>> download the beta3 tarball before this announcement email, make sure you
>> have the one whose sha256sum is
>> e6196fac6adcc13ca39699627a1cfc99c79c0beb9acca8c4d065b6cc9d50471c
>> Sigh, this is what you get for breaking tradition.
> Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again this week but… there's a new
> testsuite failure:
> Beta2 was fine besides "rpmbuild.at:482 Dependency generation 3 build":
> http://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/uploads/done/cauldron/core/release/20200623145307.tv.duvel.658/rpm-4.16.0-0.beta2.1.mga8/
> But beta3 introduces a new failure. See build*.log files & look for
> "Summary of the failures" at:
> http://pkgsubmit.mageia.org/uploads/done/cauldron/core/release/20200624083544.tv.duvel.13457/rpm-4.16.0-0.beta3.1.mga8/
>  235: rpmsigdig.at:144   rpmkeys -Kv <unsigned> 2
>       rpmkeys digest
> ## ---------------------- ##
> ## Detailed failed tests. ##
> ## ---------------------- ##
> #                             -*- compilation -*-
> 235. rpmsigdig.at:144: testing rpmkeys -Kv <unsigned> 2 ...
> ./rpmsigdig.at:146:
> if ! [ -d testing/ ]; then
>     cp -aP "${RPMTEST}" .
>     chmod -R u+w testing/
>     mkdir -p testing/build
>     ln -s ../data/SOURCES testing/build/
> fi
> export RPMTEST="${PWD}/testing"
> export TOPDIR="${RPMTEST}/build"
> export HOME="${RPMTEST}"
> rm -rf "${RPMTEST}"`rpm --eval '%_dbpath'`/*
> runroot rpm --initdb
> runroot rpmbuild -bb --quiet \
>       --define "%optflags -O2 -g" \
>       --define "%_target_platform noarch-linux" \
>       --define "%_binary_payload w.ufdio" \
>       --define "%_buildhost localhost" \
>       --define "%use_source_date_epoch_as_buildtime 1" \
>       --define "%source_date_epoch_from_changelog 1" \
>       --define "%clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch 1" \
>       /data/SPECS/attrtest.spec
>     runroot rpm -q --qf "${v}: %{${v}}\n" 
> /build/RPMS/noarch/attrtest-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
> done
> runroot rpmkeys -Kv /build/RPMS/noarch/attrtest-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
> --- - 2020-06-24 08:37:24.201578966 +0000
> +++ 
> /home/iurt/rpmbuild/BUILD/rpm-4.16.0-beta3/tests/rpmtests.dir/at-groups/235/stdout
>         2020-06-24 08:37:24.186383200 +0000
> @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
> 6104d0f021dfe58af39b1957fa222762a45cbec221b10915d61d5238858f3c28
> -SHA1HEADER: e58516622b8b8960201d07e7b061af8bc21fcaef
> -SIGMD5: 09ca69da1b4a85c202c377da3cf20048
> 24790a8639dec5e0d4506f8ebacba0844b41bfd1aeecf7542251cafdebd1f7f3
> +SHA1HEADER: 3539a6132ce89ef2296f5db3ce90f7991891e739
> +SIGMD5: 4a51b31c3e136b3c5b3971f3d1811a7b
> 749d8980cc5889419da8cdbe9a5b3292742af8a227db3635f84966481b7612a8
> 749d8980cc5889419da8cdbe9a5b3292742af8a227db3635f84966481b7612a8
>  /build/RPMS/noarch/attrtest-1.0-1.noarch.rpm:
> 235. rpmsigdig.at:144: 235. rpmkeys -Kv <unsigned> 2 (rpmsigdig.at:144): 
> FAILED (rpmsigdig.at:146)
> ## ------------- ##
Opened as https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/1288
I forgot to mention I'm running the testsuite in the new parallel mode.
This was already the case for my builds of beta2
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