> I'm not sure what problem this solves. It sounds like the actual problem is 
> that you want `hwloc1` and `hwloc2` to be parallel installable on RHEL 8.3.

No.  That is not the problem.  The problem is that in order to support both 
RHEL 8.4 and RHEL 8.3, while building on RHEL 8.4 (because one should not build 
one's software on unsupported older releases of the distro) I have to supply a 
backport of a newer version of a library for RHEL 8.3 installations due to that 
library breaking it's ABI on RHEL 8.4.  But the package that that library 
backport is in needs to be cleanly replaced by the distro's package when that 
node is upgraded to RHEL 8.4.

So to be clear, my package foo-1.0 requires hwloc-2.x on RHEL 8.4.  But RHEL 
8.3 doesn't supply hwloc-2.x but rather hwloc-1.x (notice the SO major version 
is not appended to the name like, say, SUSE does).  So along with foo-1.0, I 
need to supply hwloc2-2.x that gets installed with my foo-1.0 when being 
installed on a RHEL 8.3 system.  Since RHEL 8.4 supplies hwloc-2.x, only 
foo-1.0 gets installed on it.

Now when a RHEL 8.3 system that my foo-1.0 and hwloc2-2.x is installed on is 
upgraded to RHEL 8.4, my supplied hwloc2 should be upgraded to the distro 
supplied hwloc-2.x.

My being able to build hwloc2 with an _Obsoleted-by: hwloc > 1_ would achieve 

> This is pretty much a distro policy issue, and while RPM provides mechanisms 
> for solving this problem without needing `Obsoleted-by`, it's up to the 
> distro to use that.

And this is the problem.  I am not the distro vendor.  I am a third-party 
software supplier.  I cannot influence how the distro packages and can only 
influence how **I** package but am missing the tools (_Obsoleted-by: hwloc > 
1_) needed to seemlessly integrate with the distro.  I am also not going to get 
the distro vendor to support that older release by supplying a backport for it, 
so I have to do that myself.  But I need to be able to do it in such a manner 
that it integrates with the distro seemlessly.

IMHO, RPM needs to not only support the distro vendor but needs to provide the 
tools necessary for third-parties (i.e. non-distros) to integrate into the 

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