The GCC headers put bit_LZCNT into the list for CPUID 1 %ecx values, but that 
corresponds to VMX. LZCNT is actually advertised in CPUID 0x80000001 %ecx, 
which is also referred to as "ABM" by AMD and some other places.

This bug was partially inherited from GCC, which uses LZCNT wrongly and also 
has an ABM feature which maps to the same bit. I'll have to reach out to 
the GCC maintainers to clarify what's going on there. I hope we get some 
unified place for all this mess at some point...
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * The bit for LZCNT is in CPUID 0x80000001, not 1

-- File Changes --

    M lib/rpmrc.c (7)

-- Patch Links --

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