@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

> +            goto continue
+        end
+        fields = {}
+        for w in line:gmatch("%S+") do
+            table.insert(fields, w)
+        end
+        if #fields >= 3 and fields[1] == 'm' then
+           print(string.format('user(%s)\\ngroup(%s)', fields[2], fields[3]))
+        end
+        ::continue::
+    end
+%__sysusers_recommends() %{?_use_weak_usergroup_deps:%{__sysusers_dependencies 
+%__sysusers_requires() %{!?_use_weak_usergroup_deps:%{__sysusers_dependencies 

You'll need the %[] expression thing in these, like you had in the earlier 
version. %{?...} only tests whether the macro is defined, so this will use weak 
dependencies even if set to 0.

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