I think I've stumbled into this. I was trying to use a public GitHub Actions 
runner to create container images built from the `ubi-micro` images, which 
don't have `dnf` installed within.

I found that `dnf --installroot=... install` failed  because the PGP keys it 
wanted weren't found in the RPM database. If I worked around that problem then 
I found that the the container's RPM database in `/var/lib/rpm` was not being 
updated by DNF. Instead, a new RPM database was created in 
`/home/runner/.rpmdb`! The ultimate cause of both problems was a [a Debian 
patch](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=551669) which defines 
%_dbpath as `~/.rpmdb`.

But this isn't specific to Debian either; the following is run on Fedora 39:

$ ctr=$(buildah from registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi-minimal)

$ mnt=$(buildah mount $ctr)

$ dnf --noplugins --releasever=9 --installroot="$mnt" list --installed | wc -l

$ chroot "$mnt" rpm -qa | wc -l

DNF sees no packages installed with the installroot, because the host 
configuration defines `%_dbpath` as `/usr/lib/sysimage/rpm`, again different 
from how it's defined in the `ubi-micro` container image.

I suppose what I've learned is that you can't really use a host's DNF/rpm to 
install into a chroot if the distro/config differs too much between the host 
and the chroot.

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