On Jun 17, 2011, at 1:43 PM, Miller, Vincent (Rick) wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed RPM5 on FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE and am now unable to do anything 
> useful with it due to errors.  I tried searching the mail archives for 
> similar issues, but only found a reference to DB_CONFIG in reference to 
> initializing a the rpm db.  Since this is a brand new install and there were 
> no db files on the host, I figured it might apply.  It mentions mmapsize, 
> which is definitely set, but offered no recommendations into calculating what 
> to set it to.

I don't know how you installed, but
        make install
from a build SHOULD copy a /var/lib/rpm/DB_CONFIG into place.

The DB_CONFIG file is MANDATORY with @rpm5.org.

The contents (from the rpm-5_3 "production" branch) that pertain to locking 
tunables are

        # ================ Locking
        set_lk_max_locks        16384
        set_lk_max_lockers      16384
        set_lk_max_objects      16384
        mutex_set_max           163840

The heuristic (that I use) is that the mutex_set_max should be ~10x larger
than the other values, which is about the right scaling.

The size of the others depends on how many packages are managed,
which is an extrinsic quantity that isn't guessable a priori. 16K -> 64K are
about the right range, and conservative. There's likely something else
wrong if you appear to need >64K.

How did you build rpm? From CVS? rpm-5.4.1 or rpm-5.3.11?

How many packages do you have?

> I'll include as much info as I can here, but it'll mean the length of this 
> mail may be substantial.
> The error I receive when I attempt to rpm –qa is:

<snipped but not ignored>

> # ================ Locking
> set_lk_max_locks  8000
> set_lk_max_lockers  8000
> set_lk_max_objects  8000
> mutex_set_max 8000

Try setting "mutex_set_max" to 80000 not 8000.

73 de Jeff

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