2008/10/8 Rahul Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> The latest rawhide snapshot + rpmfusion repos. This includes generic-logos
> and generic-release (since rpmfusion release packages now depends on
> system-release), fixes a number of issues:
> * Default user is simply "liveuser" instead of "fedora"
> * No more "About Fedora" menu item
> * SELinux is also enabled and in enforcing mode.
There is one well known problem with vlc and selinux
It only appears with F10 x86 and consist in a selinux denial for one
mmx version of its plugin.
(one libmpeg2 selinux problem has been (re)-fixed recently).

On the other side, if you have choosen mozilla-vlc, it may work bad
along with mozplugger and totem-mozplugin.

>From my personal testing (as the livecd-fr_FR builder) vlc and
dependencies take around 40Mo more from the official livecd set of
I will try to see if it can be reduced.

Nicolas (kwizart)

> A recent review mentions some issues with playing multimedia. Details at
> http://reddevil62-techhead.blogspot.com/2008/10/omega-10-live-cd-beta-fedora-with-added.html
> Is anyone interested in testing it more and sending some feedback?
> ---
> Download:
> ftp://ftp.infradead.org/pub/spins/omega-rawhide-20081008.iso
> Verify:
> # sha1sum omega-rawhide-20081008.iso
> 94ebab73f7076835fa846ec3ae20da6b80ead727  omega-rawhide-20081008.iso
> ---
> Rahul

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