
I downloaded the omega-10-desktop.iso which is the Omega 10 final
release. The SHA1SUM matches.

I tried to use the "livecd-iso-to-disk" utility to make a LiveUSB out
of the ISO. However, I tried it twice, and both time it fails. The
first time I tried, on booting from the pen drive my laptop said
"Missing Operating System". The second time, the SYSLINUX prompt came,
but then a message was displayed saying "linux: Can't find a kernel"
or something of that sort. Then I got a "boot:" prompt, and anything I
typed there said "foo is not a valid kernel image". The messages may
not be exact.

The same pen drive worked perfectly fine with Fedora 10. Please tell
me how to make a LiveUSB out of the omega ISO.


Rohan Dhruva

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