
>>> - still lots of other 3rd party repos out there; users still run into
>>> problems as they try to mix incompatible repos; should we actively try
>>> to get more repos merged into RPM Fusion?
>> I think so...

I agree too.

> But how to we get people to merge their repos into RPM Fusion? Especially
> the popular ones like Planet CCRMA?

IIRC Planet CCRMA is/was merging with Fedora.

For the latter question, please see below.

>> One of my own thoughts about what we should be is a place for users to
>> receive high quality packages that compliment the Fedora ones. IMHO, we
>> should aim to be *the* place for users to get everything they need that's
>> not included in Fedora.
> +1 -- and to be *the* place we also need to have at least a unstable or
> playground repo, where those things can get done that we normally don't want
> to do. Without such a repo we force people to start their own. Reviews also
> need to be easy and quick.

IMHO this is not the main problem with other repositories not joining
RPM Fusion. Some packagers don't want to learn/use Fedora guidelines.
Some others use Fedora guidelines but do not want to cooperate with a
(much bigger) project because they just want to mind their own
business. Some others are willing to cooperate but they think that the
infrastructure we and Fedora have is too complicated. In all these
cases, they end up building their own repository.

So, how can we attract other 3rd party repositories? I think we should
invite 3rd party maintainers again and ask them to join. If they don't
want to join, we should politely ask why. We should stress about our
strengths and the benefits of joining (only one repo, very visible,
peer review to improve quality, build system, cvs, etc).

We already have a list of 3rd party repository. Can we fill it with
the maintainer(s) info?

BTW, which repositories have been invited in the past? I remember to
have contacted Bruno Postle and he joined.

> Like the one I started a few months ago? It wasn't used much yet
> http://rpmfusion.org/News

We should ask Chris Nolan about this. The solution was ready. I think
the only problem he still had was about the domain/certificate to use.

I still think we need this ASAP. Even Fedora recently recognized that
they want some kind of web CMS.

BTW, I'd really like to thanks all the RPM Fusion maintainers. I think
we are doing a good work.



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